My third trimester has actually felt easier than my second which makes no sense! But I do think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am remaining active and fit. Here are some things I've noticed this trimester (currently 33 weeks 2 days):
- I can still bend down and get things off of the floor easily (thanks to squatting)
-I can still pick up my forever growing German shepherd puppy
-I hardly ever experience back aches (only sometimes in the evening)
- I'm still going out for hour long dog walks with my mum and keeping up conversation (not too out of breathe)
- I can still put my own shoes on (lol)
_ can still shave my legs in the shower without feeling like i'm going to topple over
- Apart from my baby bump, I've only put noticeable weight on my legs. My whole body is a layer chubbier but not enough for me to notice or feel insecure about
- I'm still the same bra size - back & cup (where are my preggo boobs?)
The bad bits:
- I get cramp at night if i stretch out my legs too much
- I need to wee every half an hour, i'm not exaggerating
- I get tired even quicker
- My anxiety is picking up (because i'm not organised yet at all)
- Sometimes my stomach feels so stretched, it's uncomfortable and balloon like
Can I just add that I am by no means the type of person who is naturally slim. I have to constantly workout to remain in shape. I will never have a super small waist or skinny legs because I enjoy food too much. I workout to feel comfortable with my body and to keep my weight down, as soon as I stop I pile on weight like there's no tomorrow. So to keep to a comfortable weight, I have been working out 2-3 times a week every week. I have a swimming membership and aim for 35 lengths each time. But when I feel lazy I tend to just stick to YouTube home workouts which last for 20 minutes to half an hour and then I add on my own arm routine while I watch Homeland on Netflix. What i'm doing must be working because I'm eating like a horse and am remaining on OK size, plus all the people who examine my stomach have said I have really good ab muscles - one midwife asked if I was a dancer or horse rider! No, i'm just a YouTube worker outer, lol.
Working out has SO many benefits during pregnancy, here are a few:
- Thanks to your ab muscles - Labour may be easier/ faster!
- You lower your risk of Gestational Diabetes (I was told I had two factors that made me more at risk of getting this disorder so I really focused on reducing the risk)
-You're less likely to get backache (true in my case and I suffered with back ache pre pregnancy)
-You may boost your child's athletic potential
-You'll bounce back faster after birth ( this has been on my mind the whole time, I can't wait to wear my normal clothes again)
- You may sleep better (true in my case, when I took a weeks break I couldn't sleep at night)
There are loads more benefits for both you and your baby, have a google!
Without further adieu here are my two GO TO WORKOUTS:
Team these with a few basic arm workouts with light weights & you have yourself a full body work out!
Enjoy and remember to not over do it x
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